Sometimes Sellers need cash in hand quickly. Sometimes they don’t. In this video we discuss how quickly we can buy your house and how selling to a cash house buyer in Berks County is more flexible than selling on the market even if you aren’t in a hurry to sell.
Hey Berks County, it’s April here with Berks County House Buyers and we’re answering some of your most common questions. Today we’re going to talk about how long it takes for a cash house buyer company to purchase your home. A lot of times the reason people come to sell their house cash to us is because they need to sell quickly. There’s different reasons for this. Sometimes we have people that need to transition to a nursing home or to a skilled level of care and they’re trying to sell their house and they need to pay for care and all the equity that they have, that money that they have to pay for care is tied up in their house. Sometimes people just have to make a quick move for a job or they need to transition and live with a family member for health reasons. Or the house has just been sitting vacant for a long time and it keeps deteriorating more and more and so they just want to get that headache off their plate and sell their house fast in Berks County.
We Buy On Your Timeline:
We also don’t rush people. So if you don’t want to sell your house fast and you need some time, we’ll talk about your options there as well. If you are someone that needs to sell your house quickly, typically a cash house buyer can buy your house in under a week. There are some different factors that play into this. Sometimes this has to do with how quickly a title company can move. So even though we’re buying your house cash, all closings occur at a title company, just like a regular real estate transaction just like if your house was listed on the market. The difference is we pay all your closing costs. And what it means when we’re coming with cash is that we don’t have to get pre-approved for a mortgage.
Closings Occur Virtually with a Title Company or At A Title Company:
So we are bringing our cash to the title company and the title company is giving you a certified check for your house so you don’t have to worry about taking a whole bunch of cash to the bank or anything like that. You’re taking the certified cash that they’re giving to you from the cash that we’re giving them. So we’re wiring money and they’re writing you a certified check, but there still is a title company involved. So they do a title search. They make sure any loans that are on the property like mortgages or back taxes are all paid off. If the title company’s super busy, it might take them a while to schedule settlement. So we schedule settlement with them so all paperwork is notarized so that you’re protected. No one can buy your house without you showing them your ID and notarizing paperwork. That doesn’t mean that you have to be present for closing or the sale of your house. It can be done remotely, but they still need to have paperwork notarized to prove that it’s you that’s selling and you are approving the sale of the house. So if the title company’s really busy, it might take longer than a week. If the title company’s not so busy, it could take as quick as three days, five days, seven days to sell your home to a cash buyer in Berks County.
Staying in Your Home After You Sell to Have Cash In Hand:
Now, sometimes people don’t want to sell quickly. They just have a house that’s in need of repair or it’s really full of stuff and they want some time to pack and take some stuff with them or they need to get an apartment. They want to move into that apartment and we’re definitely in no rush. So we’re buying and it’s not like we say, you have to be out in a week. Get out, we’re buying the house. One of the perks of selling to a cash buyer in Berks County is that our timeline is very flexible. So if you say to me, “Hey, April, this offer sounds great, let’s move forward with an offer purchase agreement,” we’ll write one up and we usually put the closing date as on or before a certain time. Meaning if you tell me I might need up to a month, we can put the closing date 30 days out. But then if you come to me a week later after signing and say, “Hey, I’m ready, I got everything done ahead of time,” I can say, “Okay, let’s go to settlement.”
Another option that we offer to some of our sellers that are looking to either sell quickly or sell a home in need of repair in Berks County is we will sometimes say to them, “Hey, if you want money up front but you need money to move or to help pay for movers or a moving truck, we can pay for that moving truck for you. We can help you with movers or we can purchase the house and then rent it back to you. That way you have some time where you can be there in the home, taking your time, getting your stuff packed up, and you have money up front to either put a down payment on another apartment or pay some of your moving costs so that you’re not stressing about, I have money tied up in this house, but how am I going to sell plus have money to move to the next place.”
So if you’re looking to sell quickly in Berks County, we can buy your house quickly, typically within a week. But if you need some time, we can provide you with some time as well. We’re never in any rush. Our goal is to give you multiple options for selling your home to make sure that we are a good fit for you and your home is a good fit for what we’re looking for in Berks County. So if you have a house that you’re looking to sell quickly or on your own timeline, you just need something more flexible, a more flexible sale or a home in need of repair or a home that’s full of stuff and you just don’t want to deal with listing it on the market, you can check out more of our frequently asked questions on our website at or you can reach us at (610) 816-6205.